Yep! For real!

Two years ago, I married myself and what better person was there to marry but ME? Right?

I know this may sound strange but as a woman, I wanted to know that I always had someone that was committed to me. That loved me and me only. That would cherish me and be there for me when I needed someone the most!

I wrote my vows, bought the ring and planned the date.

… found a beautiful dress for the occasion. The only invitation I sent out was to God. I had flowers and candles and it was a beautiful setting outside. Full moon, on my patio barefooted and looking out over the water.

My 2 dogs were my witnesses.

I read my vows with my whole heart and meant every word.

I thought I had it all. Life was good. Then, as time goes by, I got into relationships, I jumped into care taking, I dove deep into my businesses …. I started doing for others what they should be doing for themself and got derailed from the one person that means the world to me.


Clearly I fell off.  I lost myself and had a mini divorce from myself. I forgot why I married myself.

This has showed me that I wasn’t taking care of my needs and now I am having to dig deeper, do the self work and look at what I want …AGAIN.

It is not my fault and nor is it yours. This just happens from time to time. 

We get lost…

… then curl up in a cocoon and feel alone. The best thing we can do is take time for ourself, reflect, learn and get back to ourselves as soon as we can. 

Back to our vows!

These are the types of things I talk to women about every day.

The real issues that women need to talk about, to share and be supported by understanding women so that we are not alone in our loneliness, our hurt feelings, our lack of self worth and self confidence.

We have to be able to walk through … we can not dodge or go around these issues or they just came back around again.

Don’t you want to deal with this crap and get on with your life?

I do!

I am seeing more and more every day just how short life truly is.

I want a fulfilled life and as a woman, I know you do too!

I love helping women addresses these issues that women deal with daily. 

Let’s create your vows

… and commit to always being there for yourself by creating a group of supportive women that can hold your hand and walk the journey with you.

We are never ever to do this alone!

So… I am off to re-read and tweak my vows to myself again and renew my commitment to loving and cherishing who I am today.

(here is a copy of my vows that I wrote to myself 2/14/15)

On this day forward,

“I promise to love and care for you & be worthy of your love.
I promise to be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving.
I promise to be true and loyal to you.
I will love you, hold you and honor you,
I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you,
Through sickness and health,
Through sorrow and success.”

“I promise to be your lover, partner, companion and friend, Your greatest ally in times of conflict, your greatest fan and your toughest adversary. I promise to be your student and your teacher, Your consolation in disappointment, Your accomplice in mischief.”
“I promise to give you my full heart,
To be a sanctuary of warmth and peace.
I promise my love, devotion, faith and honor
As we are joined.”

“I promise above all else to live in truth with you,
Communicate fully and fearlessly with you,
and listen to our intuition.”
“My promise to walk with you,
Hand in hand,
Wherever our journey leads us,
Living, learning, loving,
For all the days of my life.”

PS  **** PLEASE share if you know a woman that needs to know this!

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