What is wrong with me?

I have a husband and children that I love. We have a beautiful home (or maybe a couple of them). We have great jobs. We are financially set. We drive nice cars. We take fabulous vacations. Looks good from the outside, huh?

Looks like I should be happy right? 


I’m not! I lay awake at night wondering if this is all there is to my life?

When will it be my time?

When will I be HAPPY?

There is an empty space inside me that feels like wind could just blow right through me.

You try to fill that emptiness with alcohol and food but the space can’t be filled.

You think if you connect more with your husband you would feel happier. You do that for awhile but the emptiness is still there.

You think maybe therapy will help. You do that and it helps for awhile but you are the only one going … and the emptiness never quit goes away.

You take an art class and you think that will give you something to look forward to and to be creative. The emptiness is still there.

You think there is something medically wrong with you. Maybe cancer. Who knows. You get a physical …. you’re fine. 

The emptiness grows bigger.

You cry yourself to sleep when no one is watching. The emptiness doesn’t go away. It has become you. You think you are going to feel like this forever.

You don’t share what you are going through with your friends in fear of them judging you or not understanding and making it worse by saying your crazy.

I get it!

I get it because that was me at one time in my life.
I had a very active social life, lots of friends and my life looked great from the outside. But I certainly was not happy!

I was never alone but I was very lonely. There is a difference, you know?

If you find yourself lonely at this time of your life, you are not alone! I talk to women every day like you!

I know how difficult it can be with no support but its more difficult than it needs to be.

I see so many women living alone in their loneliness and never reach out for the support that we all need and living life alone. We, as women are not intended to live alone the rest of our life and certainly not lonely!

We need and deserve a safe space to share where we are at in our life and to be and that is what I am providing in my upcoming group for women!

I promise you there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is happiness to be found. You just gotta be willing to do the work!

Lets get you feeling confident, assured and glowing again!

Sometimes we just have to feel the fear and do it anyway! Sometimes we have to trust someone else to help us walk through the fire. Sometimes we just need to do something scary…powerful… to see what we are made of!

I promise you, life can change in the blink of an eye with the right coaching and the right support.

If this sounds good to you or something you have been searching for, then I hope you are excited too!

Since this is only for a very small, elite group of like minded women, space is limited. Up close and personal!

Let’s get you where you want to be in life! HAPPY!

Sign up here!  

Call me or Private message me if you want the scoop and lets talk!

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