Move out of your own way, woman!

What is it going to take for you to get out of your own way?

There are so many excuses that we tell ourselves about why we can’t have what we want.
Why we can’t live that life that we want to live.
Why we can’t love the way that we want to love.
Why we can’t be who we want to be.

It’s too late for me.
I don’t have the time.
I don’t have the energy.
This is just the way my life is supposed to be.
I don’t even know who I am anymore.
This is how it has been for so long, I don’t know anything else.

And for all of these reasons, you continue to exist.
You plaster a smile on your face and pretend that everything is ok.

There is much to be grateful for and you convince yourself to just focus on that because it’s true, you do have a lot to be thankful for.

But you know that deep down in your soul you’re not meant to just exist… You’re meant to LIVE.

I remember when I was just a woman existing.
I had gone through a divorce.
I lost my best friend and my mother.
I walked away from the thriving coaching practice that was no longer in alignment for me.
I felt like a ton a bricks had landed right on top of me.
I went through my days in a thick fog.
Not really knowing what was going on.. not knowing what to do… not knowing how to get back to being me.
The bed was my best friend and so was Ben & Jerry’s.
I was a shadow of my former self and to make things worse I felt guilty because i knew that I was better than this.
I knew that it was time for me to shake off all that has happened and start to live again.
I had to stop playing the victim because I really wasn’t a victim.
I had full control over myself and my situation and I chose to allow myself to fall into victim mode.

So I took a deep breath. Sat up a little straighter. Looked at myself in the mirror and said,
“Sheri, it’s time to get back to being Sheri again!”

Now, that was probably the easiest part of the process because rebuilding and re-discovering myself was hard work!
Was it worth it?


It was a rebirth time!
Learning more about who I truly was and what my desires were.
Doing things for myself and not having to worry about pleasing others.
Learning that there is life, a beautiful life, after trauma and loss.
Fully accepting every part of me and LOVING me.
Not to mention doing the deep-work allowed me the confidence to rise to the top in my business and make an amazing income for myself.

But what I know from talking to and coaching 1000’s women who have gone through similar situations, is that you can’t always do it alone.
Even though sometimes you feel that you have to.
That no one understands what you’re going through.
No one gets your struggle.

I want you to know that I understand.
I know how hard it is.
I know what it feels like.
And you don’t have to do this alone.
There is a way.

A woman needs a safe space to be able to talk about and work through some of these issues.
To have comfort in knowing that they aren’t the only ones and that there is hope.
To feel heard, cared for and understood.
And most importantly, to find themselves again.

Today is that day .
It’s been a while, but lets do the work.  Allow me to do my soul calls me to do.  Work with women!

I’m ready to help you get back to you!
Are you ready to live again?
Are you ready to get back to you?

Snag your spot, woman.

If you don’t want to wait until this afternoon then PM me right now.

I will be there for you.


“When you are truly genuine, there will invariably be people who do not accept you. And in that case, you must be your own badass self, without apology.” ~ Katie Goodman

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