Want change?  If so, you have to look at how you are doing things in your personal life and your business.

“How you do anything is how you do everything?”  Have you heard that saying before?

As a woman, it is very difficult for us to leave our personal lives out of our businesses and our businesses out of our personal lives.

It’s just the way we are made up! Men are much more able to compartmentalize their lives and make changes.

Women often come to me because their businesses aren’t working or they are not making money like they think they should but when we get right down to it… their personal lives aren’t working either.

One is always a reflection of the other.

Something has got to change.

Most women entrepreneurs when they are not moving forward in their businesses, will create new plans of attack…

Create and pay for more advertising.

Design a new website.

Tweak their programs.

90% of the time, it comes back to having personal issues in their life that is effecting their business. Once we are able to get their personal lives in good shape, their business and income flourish!

“How you do anything is how you do everything.” ?      (I am not sure if that is from Brendon Burchard or T. Harv Eker)

I know that it is a deep concept but I see it with women especially, over and over again.

If you are disorganized at home… you will most likely be disorganized at work. In your finances? In your appointments?

If you are late to work, you will most likely be late to other appointments, dates, children activities. Late with deadlines at work.

Don’t pay close attention to details at work, not paying close enough details in your relationships either.

If you have a hard time with commitment in your personal life …you will most likely have a hard time committing to work, friends, church activities and even to yourself!

Really think about it.

Chances are that these characteristics can be seen in your personal life and in your relationships and your business.

If you don’t do the hard and humbling inner work then you will most likely keep doing the same thing over and over… expecting different results! (the definition of insanity)

Nothing will change unless you do but you have to know where … first.

So, if your business is not exactly where you think it should be, be honest and look at your personal life.  See if you can spot the similarities. Then ask yourself… what is one thing that you could shift or change that will make all the difference?

When you see it, then make a decision to shift it. In time, you will see your whole business shift.

If you are not fully satisfied with your “anything”, now is the time to break that old pattern.

I want to know how it goes!!! 😉

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