If you want next year to be waaaay better than this year… Then you need to keep your eyes on the ball!
The “wusband” and I had labs and pointer bird dogs. They are smart, playful, and can hunt or play till the cows come home! They NEVER get tired and can keep their eye on the ball for hours and not blink an eye!
Didn’t nail that promotion you wanted?
The love of your life never show up?
Still unhappy with your body image?
Feeling depressed and lonely?
If so, there are certain steps that you need to take right now in order to make sure you knock next year out of the park!
I, personally like to do this exercise right after Christmas and before New Years Day.
First, set at least an hour of time aside to look over this year from a 10,000 foot view from above. Find you a quiet place, get a cup of mojo or tea and a notebook and pen.
Take a few deep breathes and center your mind. Just you and your mojo and paper!
Ask yourself some very important questions with honesty and a positive focus.
- 1. What did I do this year that I am really proud of myself for? or create, or experience, or accomplish?
You want to really acknowledge these because so many times we just focus on what went wrong and never celebrate our wins, our accomplishments… really take it in and be proud of yourself. Here is the place you want to toot your horn!
Where would you like to say “Super Duper Good job, Mary!” (put your name in there) ?
- 2. With loving eyes, what went wrong this past year that I can see now were designed for me to learn from? Everything that went wrong, a mistake, a wrong turn has a lesson in it. These lessons can be HUGE for your personal and business, if you will take the time to look at them like an observer would and be honest about your lessons.
What were the TOP 3 for 2018?
- 3. What am I willing to let go of? Do I have clutter all around me? Am I hanging on to items that I have not used in years? Do I have anger, resentment, guilt of shame that I need to work through and finally let go of?
This is not to beat yourself up over either!
Items, things, and emotions can be baggage that we no longer need. It weighs us down and keeps us stuck and prevents us from moving forward. Think of how free you would feel if you were able to let go of them. Think of the free space and clear view you could have. Letting go of negative emotions can free you up to love others and be loved like you truly want to be.
If you were able to completely let go, who would you be?
- 4. If today was Jan 1, 2020 and you are doing this same exercise but you are looking at the the best year of your life…2019… imagine it in your minds eye! Pretend that everything you ever wanted to achieve, accomplish, do has come to fruition. You have the career you have always wanted, you are living in a beautiful home, the car, the incredible family, travels, food, your body shape and your energy level, how you look and feel fantastic, how much money you have in the bank, the business you have always wanted. ( you get my drift)
Now feel it in your soul, embrace all the emotions and feelings that you feel after writing it all down.
- 5. Now, look over your list. Pretty impressive, huh? Now circle 3 things under #4 that you want to accomplish/a goal in 2019. Attach a time line to it so you know how you will accomplish that goal and by when. You might want to get an accountability partner to share this with and can be accountable to someone other than yourself.
I have seen numerous of people do this exercise and are the most successful people that I know. This will build confidence in you, take you life much deeper and richer and you will feel more and more secure to be you!
I also have my Vision Board Workshop coming up in Jan where we spend the whole day together, getting extremely clear on what you want to create in your life, and design a plan for you daily to help support and encourage you to get them with believing eyes! If you are interested in attending… here is the link to sign up by clicking here!
I look forward to seeing you there!
(credit to Maria Forleo and Dean Graziosi for these steps)